Do you have an idea or a formula?
Are you looking to market a Medical Device, Cosmetic or a Food supplement? Do you want to concentrate your time and resources on actions that will help your company grow?
The outsourcing of certain operations, because of the flexibility, reactive capacity and effectiveness it offers, is an increasingly frequent choice for medical device, cosmetic and food supplement companies. All the processes involved can be subcontracted out, from the design to the manufacture, including all tests and clinical studies, as well as the compilation of the technical documentation. YSLAB understands how to manage, organise and structure these critical tasks and objectives to enable you to successfully place high-quality products on your markets.
YSLAB has many years of experience and is widely acknowledged by its peers for its complete understanding of the development processes for medical devices, cosmetics and food supplements, as well as for its knowledge of manufacturing facilities and the associated industrial processes and its capacity to adapt for and organise the industrialisation, and including the optimisation of your production. Contact us now to tell us what you are looking for.

From its very beginnings, YSLAB has worked to harness the value of marine resources.
Over our 20 years, we have built our expertise in medical devices and treatments dedicated to ENT and Oral care needs.
As the legal manufacturer, we bear the responsability for the bringing to market of the product designed, developed and manufactured by us. We constantly check its regulatory compliance. We make all our resources and experience available to you.
In control of and involved in every stage of the development of a product, we are at your disposal to help guide and support you through your project. Our flexibility allows us to adapt the support we deliver to exactly match your precise requirements.
Clearly quality is a critical concern for us, as can be seen in terms of the ISO 9001:2015 and NF EN ISO 13485:2016 certifications for our Quality Management System (QMS).

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